API References

Main Classes

struct cctag::Parameters

Structure containing all the major parameters using in the CCTag detection algorithms.

Public Functions

explicit Parameters(std::size_t nCrowns = kDefaultNCrowns)

The constructor, normally the most interesting parameter is the number of crowns.


nCrowns – The number of crowns that the markers to detect are made up of.

template<class Archive>
inline void serialize(Archive &ar, unsigned int version)

Serialize the parameter settings.

Template Parameters

Archive – The class to use to store the data.

  • ar[inout] The object where to store the data.

  • version[in] The serialization version.

void setDebugDir(const std::string &debugDir)

Set the debug directory where debug data is stored.



void setUseCuda(bool val)

Whether to use the Cuda implementation or not.


Ignored if the code is not built with Cuda support.


val[in] true to use the Cuda implementation, false to use the CPU.

class cctag::CCTag : public cctag::ICCTag

Class modeling the CCTag marker containing the position of the marker in the image, its ID and its status.

Public Functions

inline virtual float x() const override

Ger the x coordinate of the center of the marker.


x coordinate of the center.

inline virtual float y() const override

Ger the x coordinate of the center of the marker.


x coordinate of the center.

inline virtual const cctag::numerical::geometry::Ellipse &rescaledOuterEllipse() const override

Get the rescaled outer ellipse of the marker. The rescaled outerEllipse is in the coordinate system of the input image, while the internal ellipse is relative to a pyramid level.


the outer ellipse.

inline virtual MarkerID id() const override

Get marker ID.


the marker ID.

inline virtual int getStatus() const override

Get the status of the marker.


the status of the marker.


void cctag::cctagDetection(boost::ptr_list<ICCTag> &markers, int pipeId, std::size_t frame, const cv::Mat &graySrc, std::size_t nRings, logtime::Mgmt *durations, const std::string &parameterFilename, const std::string &cctagBankFilename)

Perform the CCTag detection on a gray scale image.

  • markers[out] Detected markers. WARNING: only markers with status == 1 are valid ones. (status available via getStatus())

  • pipeId[in] Choose between several CUDA pipeline instances

  • frame[in] A frame number. Can be anything (e.g. 0).

  • graySrc[in] Gray scale input image.

  • nRings[in] Number of CCTag rings.

  • durations[in] Optional object to store execution times.

  • parameterFilename[in] Path to a parameter file. If not provided default parameters will be used.

  • cctagBankFilename[in] Path to the cctag bank. If not provided, radii will be the ones associated to the CCTags contained in the markersToPrint folder.

void cctag::cctagDetection(boost::ptr_list<ICCTag> &markers, int pipeId, std::size_t frame, const cv::Mat &graySrc, const cctag::Parameters &params, logtime::Mgmt *durations = nullptr, const CCTagMarkersBank *pBank = nullptr)

Perform the CCTag detection on a gray scale image.

  • markers[out] Detected markers. WARNING: only markers with status == 1 are valid ones. (status available via getStatus())

  • pipeId[in] Choose between several CUDA pipeline instances

  • frame[in] A frame number. Can be anything (e.g. 0).

  • graySrc[in] Gray scale input image.

  • params[in] Parameters for the detection.

  • durations[in] Optional object to store execution times.

  • pBank[in] Path to the cctag bank. If not provided, radii will be the ones associated to the CCTags contained in the markersToPrint folder.

Utility Classes

class cctag::numerical::geometry::Ellipse

It models an ellipse with standard form \( \frac{x^2 - x_c}{a^2} + \frac{y^2 - y_c}{b^2} = 1 \), centered in _center \((x_c, x_y)\) and rotated clock-wise by _angle wrt the x-axis. Note that, arbitrarly, the representation with the major axis aligned with the y-axis is chosen.

Subclassed by cctag::numerical::geometry::Circle

Public Functions

Ellipse() = default

Default constructor, set all parameters to zero.

explicit Ellipse(const Matrix &matrix)

Build an ellipse from a 3x3 matrix representing the ellipse as a conic.


By default, the representation with the major axis aligned with the y-axis is chosen.


matrix[in] The 3x3 matrix representing the ellipse.

Ellipse(const Point2d<Eigen::Vector3f> &center, float a, float b, float angle)

Build an ellipse from a set of parameters.

  • center[in] The center of the conic.

  • a[in] The length of the semi-axis x.

  • b[in] The length of the semi-axis y.

  • angle[in] The orientation of the ellipse wrt the x-axis as a clock-wise angle in radians.

inline const Matrix &matrix() const

Return the matrix representation of the ellipse.


3x3 matrix representation of the ellipse.

inline Matrix &matrix()

Return the matrix representation of the ellipse.


3x3 matrix representation of the ellipse.

inline const Point2d<Eigen::Vector3f> &center() const

Return the center of the ellipse.


3 element vector with the homogeneous coordinates of the ellipse.

inline Point2d<Eigen::Vector3f> &center()

Return the center of the ellipse.


3 element vector with the homogeneous coordinates of the ellipse.

inline float a() const

Return the length of the x-semi axis of the ellipse.


the length of the x-semi axis of the ellipse.

inline float b() const

Return the length of the y-semi axis of the ellipse.


the length of the y-semi axis of the ellipse.

inline float angle() const

Return the orientation of the ellipse.


the clock-wise orientation angle in radians of the ellipse wrt the x-axis

void setA(float a)

Set the length of the x-semi axis of the ellipse.


a[in] the length of the x-semi axis.

void setB(float b)

Set the length of the y-semi axis of the ellipse.


b[in] the length of the y-semi axis.

void setAngle(float angle)

Set the orientation angle of the ellipse.


angle[in] the clock-wise orientation angle in radians.

void setCenter(const Point2d<Eigen::Vector3f> &center)

Set the center of the ellipse.


center[in] the new center of the ellipse.

void setMatrix(const Matrix &matrix)

Update the ellipse from a matrix representing a conic.


matrix[in] 3x3 matric representing the ellipse.

void setParameters(const Point2d<Eigen::Vector3f> &center, float a, float b, float angle)

Update the ellipse from its parameters.

  • center[in] The center of the conic.

  • a[in] The length of the semi-axis x.

  • b[in] The length of the semi-axis y.

  • angle[in] The orientation of the ellipse wrt the x-axis as a clock-wise angle in radians.

Ellipse transform(const Matrix &mT) const

Return a new ellipse obtained by applying a transformation to the ellipse.


mT[in] a 3x3 matrix representing the transformation.


the transformed ellipse.

void getCanonicForm(Matrix &mCanonic, Matrix &mTprimal, Matrix &mTdual) const

Compute the canonical form of the conic, along with its transformation.

  • mCanonic[out] 3x3 diagonal matrix representing the ellipse in canonical form.

  • mTprimal[out] 3x3 transformation matrix such that C = mTprimal.transpose() * mCanonic * mTprimal

  • mTdual[out] 3x3 inverse transformation matrix (= mTprimal.inv())


friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Ellipse &e)

Print the ellipse in matrix form in Matlab notation.

  • os[inout] the stream where to output the ellipse.

  • e[in] the ellipse


the stream with appended the matrix representation of the ellipse.

struct cctag::logtime::Mgmt
class Measurement